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D. Robert Hardy

Upcoming Speaking Engagements...
July 2020
As we all know, the world has changed a great deal and all of our plans for speaking engagements and book signings have had to be put on hold. Stay tuned here...we are working on it!

M.V. Raven's Apprentice
February 2019
We purchased the lovely Raven's Apprentice (renamed after the book) for new adventures on the water.

We're Published!
July 14, 2020
Raven's Apprentice is published and available at online retailers! So exciting!

Final Book Revisions Complete! Hurray!
May 18, 2020
Final Revisions for the book are completed...on to the publisher!

Artwork is Complete...we're getting there!
Finally, after many months of drawing, re-drawing and a whole lot of erasing and ink, the illustrations for Raven's Apprentice are step closer!
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